Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Media Guardian.



On the link above there is a story about Julian Assange, and his case against the charges of sexual abuse.

Julian believes all charges against him will be dropped and that he will get away free with no prison sentence.


I found this story interesting, as the man has been accused of what is to me a large and unforgivable crime, yet he believes he will not get a sentence. Although he may know he is innocent I don’t think he should be so sure on his verdict as it is not up to him but up to the jury, I also find it interesting as I would like to know more about the story and what will happen to him, if he will get convicted or not. This story is a bit of a cliff hanger which I find interesting and would like to watch unfold.

1 comment:

  1. Yes - it is an interesting story. Do you know why he believes that the charges are linked to his role in Wikileaks?
